Team Members
George McElhenny | Richard Hatton | John Hooks |
Johnny Smith | Gene Crews | Glenn Blanton |
Henry Holt | Larry Elliott | Tripp Alderman |
Wayne Unwin | Donald Thompson | Fred Spires |
Richard Shackford | Dale Stacy | Benny Baxter |
Robby Walker | Alvy Early | Billy Miller |
Wayne Elliott | Richard Phillips | John Yeomans |
Glen Levins | Joe Alderman | Kyle Scott |
Gene Pugh | Jimmy Maxwell | Ronnie Graydon |
Sammy McKinstry | Jim Eagle | David Watkins |
Billy Plumer | Thor Hatton | Jerrel Hayes |
Ronnie Jones | Rusty Hall | Gene Parnell |
Wayne Sears | Earl Kelly | Charles Goodson |
Bobby Mobley | Billy Kinsaul | Horace Scruggs |
Pahokee 13 | Bartow 19 | Pahokee 14 | Vero Beach 13 |
Pahokee 0 | Ft Pierce 20 | Pahokee 0 | Stuart 6 |
Pahokee 19 | Seacrest 3 | Pahokee 0 | Pompano 24 |
Pahokee 2 | Lake Worth 0 | Pahokee 6 | Belle Glade 0 |
Pahokee 26 | Okeechobee 7 |
Pahokee total points:
80 Opponents total points: 92 Won 5 Lost 4
Head Coach: Web Pell Line Coach: Bill Howard
Managers: Billy Plumer, Sammy McKinstry & Wally Mole
Virginia Culberson | Linda McRaney | Alternate Cheerleader |
Valerie Geiger | Joyce Goodson | Jerri Upthegrove |
Belle Glade game
sponsors: Virginia Culberson and Faith Sasser
The Pahokee Blue Devils went up to Bartow with high hopes. The game was
close until
Richard Shackford was hurt and Henry Holt came in as quarterback. Pahokee
made a series
of mistakes and the Bartow quarterback was able to jump pass into Pahokee's
and win 19 - 13. Some of the Pahokee boys were weakened by the flu and ran
out of gas.
Pahokee had a game with Clewiston but more flu had hit the Blue Devil
squad. The coaching
staff tried to postpone the game until the Blue Devils were in better
condition. Clewiston wanted
Pahokee to play the game or else send Clewiston $200.00 guarantee. The
game was not played
but the Pahokee team had to send the money. There was a lot of bitterness
over this matter which
took the people of Pahokee a long time to forget.
When Pahokee recovered from the
flu they played Seacrest and beat them 19 - 3. This was
the first field goal ever kicked in the Suncoast Conference.
Lake Worth had a strong team and was able to penetrate inside the Pahokee 10
yard line 5 times
during the game but couldn't score. Pahokee won this game on a
safety. The scoreboard
read Pahokee 2 Lake Worth 0.
Okeechobee scored first and it looked bad. Then Pahokee made 4 straight
touchdowns to win.
A tough game was played with Vero Beach but Pahokee made the extra points and
Pompano had a great passing combination and managed to beat Pahokee by 4
In the last game of the season, Pahokee beat Belle Glade 6 - 0 before a large
crowd of some 5000 people.
Who scored 14 touchdowns for
Pahokee and only 8 of them counted?
In 1950 Ronnie May scored 14 touchdowns but 6 were called back for
May was responsible for most of these penalties because he was too eager
to get down field and was off side.
Team Members
Larry Elliott | Douglas Blanton | Carroll Watson |
Willie Veal | Richard Shackford | Jimmy Maxwell |
Alvy Early | George McElhenny | Charles Goodson |
Thor Hatton | Henry Holt | Donald Thompson |
Jerrel Hayes | Johnny Smith | Billy Kinsaul |
Pahokee 18 | McArthur 6 | Pahokee 39 | Okeechobee 8 |
Pahokee 0 | Clewiston 6 | Pahokee 14 | Stuart 7 |
Pahokee 14 | Ft Pierce | Pahokee 26 | Vero Beach 13 |
Pahokee 19 | Pompano 34 | Pahokee 14 | Seacrest 0 |
Pahokee 40 | Lake Worth 0 | Pahokee 32 | Belle Glade 0 |
Pahokee total points: 216
Opponents total points: 74 Won 8 Lost 2
Head Coach: Web Pell
Backfield Coach: Carney Wilder
Line Coach: Bill Howard
Manager: Jeff Barwick
Alvy Early was chosen All Conference Back
Larry Elliott was chosen All Conference Center
Janet Upthegrove | Joyce Brown |
Joanne Todd | Joyce Goodson |
Jerri Upthegrove | Linda Hand |
Belle Glade Game Sponsors: Cynthia Turbeville and Joyce Goodson
If beef were selling for 2 cents a pound, Pahokee would have
been rich.
Pahokee also had a little speed in the backfield for a change.
When you think of big boys like Larry Elliott, Donald Thompson, Willie Veal.
Carroll Watson and Richard Shackford with the speed of Billy Kinsaul in the line
you can see why the Blue Devils were hard to handle.
The passing combination of "Big Rick" Shackford to
"Chicken" Alvy Early was one of the best
in the State. Alvy was great on catching those leaping side line passes
and twisting and dancing
down the side lines for touchdowns. There were no flies on Shackford when
he was bottled up
on passing. He could hand off the draw play or run a quarterback draw to
keep the defense honest.
Billy Kinsaul was a fine lineman who could pick up fumbles or make key
tackles. Donald Thompson
played all over the field like an "Avenging Angel" and the opponents
feared his bone crushing tackles.
Could you believe that in the last game of the season old Belle Glade fell by
the wayside to the tune
of 32-0 against the inspired play of the Devils.
![]() |
Term: 12 years
Coached 120 games - 2 called off. Cancelled a game with
Clewiston in 1957 due to the
Pahokee squad having the flu. Cancelled a game with Ft Pierce in 1963 when
President Kennedy was assassinated.
Won 64 - Tied 5 - Lost 49
Pahokee scored 1774 points
Opponents scored 1320 points
Pahokee's record against Belle Glade for the past 12 years.
Won 5 - Tied 1 - Lost 6
Pahokee shut out Belle Glade 2 times
Belle Glade shut out Pahokee 3 times
Points scored: Pahokee 187 Belle Glade 123
(1953) Pahokee 41 Belle Glade 12
(1959) Belle Glade 24 Pahokee 21
Opponents highest score was in 1952 Vero Beach 61
Pahokee 7
Pahokee's highest scoring games in the past 12 years:
1953 | Pahokee 41 | Belle Glade 12 |
1954 | Pahokee 60 | Okeechobee 0 |
1955 | Pahokee 48 | St Ann's 0 |
1958 | Pahokee 40 | Lake Worth 0 |
1959 | Pahokee 41 | Okeechobee 12 |
Average points per game 118
15 points per game
Average points scored by opponents 118
11.3 per game
Team Members
Thor Hatton | Blanchard Branch | Mike Wilson |
James Smith | Ronald Crosby | Joe Alderman |
Jimmy Maxwell | Hugh Redd | Charles Rewis |
Douglas Blanton | Denny Padgett | Claude Morgan |
Curtis Russom | John Davis | Bill Maxson |
Roy Goodson | Ronnie Jones | George Butler |
Henry Holt | Fred Spires | Ronnie Kautz |
Benny Baxter | Renza Echols | Eddie Crews |
Fred Hickerson | Bobby Scroggins | Jerrel Hayes |
Kyle Scott | John Russom | John Hundley |
Pahokee 6 | Riviera 0 | Pahokee 41 | Okeechobee 12 |
Pahokee 6 | Clewiston 8 | Pahokee 0 | Stuart 14 |
Pahokee 0 | Ft Pierce 18 | Pahokee 6 | Vero Beach 39 |
Pahokee 0 | Pompano 27 | Pahokee 0 | Seacrest 14 |
Pahokee 12 | Lake Worth 26 | Pahokee 21 | Belle Glade 24 |
Pahokee total points 92 Opponents total points 183
Won 2 Lost 8 Head Coach: Web Pell
Backfield Coach: Carney Wilder
Line Coach: Bill Howard
Manager: Jeff Barwick
Linda Hand | Joanne Todd | Alternates |
Dianne Douglas | Janet Upthegrove | Becky Mackey |
Joyce Brown | Betty Gillis | Paula Collier |
Glenda Sears | Carol Epstein | |
Margie Kahn | ||
Belle Glade game sponsosrs:
Kathy Wilson and Suzanne Morgan
Most Valuable Back: Douglas Blanton
Most Improved Back: Benny Baxter
Most Valuable Lineman: Roy Goodson
Most Improved Lineman & All Conference: Ronnie Jones
Dub Kendrick's Record One Year 1952 Won 4 Lost 6 Scored 149 Opponents Scored 178 Beaten by Belle Glade 19 - 7 |
Pahokee was not noted for it's defense in 1959 because 182
points were scored
against them and Pahokee's offense made 92 points. Against 4 teams Pahokee
was unable
to score and this looked like the year of the "goose eggs" on the
However, there were some almost great moments in the
season. Benny Baxter made several
long runs against the opposition but Pahokee very seldom capitalized on these
runs for touchdowns
because Pahokee would be penalized or Baxter would be brought down from behind.
Pahokee was noted for fumbling the ball away at crucial opportunities.
Douglas Blanton
made good runs up the middle.
Pahokee beat Riviera 6-0. The Devils scored and had to
hang on for life to keep Riviera
from beating them. Pahokee was able to master Okeechobee 41-13. A
number of players
scored and Pahokee got nearly 1 half of their seasons touchdown total against
Pahokee almost beat Belle Glade in the final game. Belle Glade managed to
come back with
good playing and better luck to beat Pahokee 24-21.
Roy Goodson, Ronnie Jones, Douglas Blanton and Benny Baxter played good ball
most of the season.
![]() Ronnie Jones
Sponsors and Escorts |
![]() |
HULL PACKING COMPANY W.G. Hull - Charles Wilkinson - Clark Wilkinson Tinky Nason - Wallace Barnes |
Team Members
Douglas Blanton | Claud Morgan | Ronnie Jones |
Ronnie Gamble | John Hundley | Bill Maxson |
Renza Echols | Joe Graham | David Fountain |
Mike Wilson | John Harris | Ronnie Tucker |
John Davis | Dennis Martin | Gene Stacy |
Denny Padgett | James Smith | Alton Mims |
James Suggs | Bob Kennedy | Wayne Boynton |
Tommy Culberson | James Veal | Curtis Stevens |
Douglas Potter | Donald Tankersley | W.L Thompson |
Mike Watkins | Harold Peacock | Ronnie Crosby |
Roy Goodson | Jimmy Vandegrift | Curtis Russom |
Johnny Russom |
Pahokee 12 | Riviera Beach 26 | Pahokee 12 | Stuart 7 |
Pahokee 0 | Clewiston 6 | Pahokee 7 | Okeechobee 7 |
Pahokee 7 | Forest Hill 8 | Pahokee 0 | New Smyrna 27 |
Pahokee 7 | Ft Pierce 10 | Pahokee 7 | Seacrest 21 |
Pahokee 0 | Lake Worth 21 | Pahokee 7 | Belle Glade 10 |
Pahokee total points: 59 Opponents total
points: 145
Won 1 Lost 8 Tied 1
Head Coach: Web Pell Line Coach: Bill Howard
Backfield Coach: Bob Maxson Manager: Jeff Barwick
Most Valuable: Back: Curtis Russom
Lineman: Mike Wilson
Most Improved: Back: Denny Padgett
Lineman: Donald Tankersly
Ladora Crosby | Betty Rae Gillis | Glenda Sears |
Joanne Todd | Joyce Brown | Becky Mackey |
Carol Epstein | Dianne Douglas | Paula Collier |
Belle Glade game sponsors: Joanne Todd, Ladora Crosby and Joyce Brown
Who scored 5 touchdowns a game for 4 games in 1 season?
Calvin Peacock in 1940
McCurdy-Mitchell Supply Co.
Inc Phone: 924-7107 1000 N State Farmers Market Rd Pahokee, Florida |
This was not a good year for football. At least not in
Pahokee. The team was green
and mostly inexperienced. This was a year for building character. We
needed to break away back
who could to the outside. Knowing that Pahokee couldn't run to the
outside, the other teams
tightened their line and stacked up the linebackers inside. As a result
the defense was very effective
against Pahokee. Pahokee made a lot of first downs on passes but failed to
put the "grits"
on the scoreboard where it counted the most.
Johnny Russom made a few nice runs during the season. Denny Padgett to
Snip Suggs was
an effective passing combination. John Hundley, John Harris and David
Fountain played
well in the line.
The best game of the season was the pre-Thanksgiving game against our old arch
Belle Glade. The game was played in Pahokee before a standing room only
Belle Glade scored first on a series of smashes right down the field and
were leading 7-0
at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Pahokee hadn't showed too much
offensive spark
but the defense repeatedly stopped serious Belle Glade scoring threats.
Pahokee made
several 1st downs gambling on 4th downs from punt formation. The most
play was the side line pass to stop the clock. Padgett completed 6 out of
7 passes in this
drive to score. Pahokee made the extra point and the game was tied
up. Pahokee kicked the
ball off and after a few plays by Belle Glade the alert Blue Devils regained
possession of the ball
in excellent field position. The Blue Devils weren't going to settle for a
tie and they didn't.
Pahokee gambled on a long pass and it was picked off by Belle Glade. The
Rams tried to move the
ball forward and with 10 seconds left on the clock called timeout. James
Troop came in to
attempt a field goal from about the 10 yard line. He had never kicked a
field goal and was
not very outstanding on extra points. However, the ball was snapped back
to the holder
and Troop stepped forward to deliver a lousy kick. When the ball left the
ground it sailed
through the air like a "platter of fish" and over the uprights to give
Belle Glade a 10-7
win over Pahokee.
What player was injured and did not dress out? Finding
his team behind he
appeared on the field and passed Pahokee to victory?
Doss Tabb in the early 1930's
Team Members
Dennis Martin | Bobby Kennedy | Joe Davis |
Harry Cunningham | Alton Mims | Jimmy Vandergrift |
Roger Simonson | Ronnie Tucker | Snip Suggs |
Kirby Mole | Johnny Russom | Gene Stacy |
Tommy Culberson | W.L. Thompson | Chuck Pell |
Walter Young | Wayne Edmondson | Bill Maxson |
K.B.Wagnon | Tommy Holt | Wayne Boynton |
Bill Thompson | David Watkins | Francis Boe |
Douglas Potter | John Mills | John Davis |
Calvin Peacock | Joe Graham | John Hundley |
Harold Peacock | Curtis Stevens | Bill Kennedy |
Charles Peaden |
Pahokee 7 | Naples 6 | Pahokee 13 | Lake Worth 15 |
Pahokee 14 | Riviera 0 | Pahokee 19 | Stuart 0 |
Pahokee 13 | Clewiston 0 | Pahokee 25 | Okeechobee 6 |
Pahokee 25 | Forest Hill 0 | Pahokee 0 | Seacrest 9 |
Pahokee 13 | Ft Pierce 0 | Pahokee 0 | Belle Glade 13 |
Pahokee total points: 129 Opponents:
49 Won 7 Lost 3
Head Coach: Web Pell Backfield Coach: Bob Maxson
Line Coach: Bill Hobson Managers: Billy Boe and Lynn
Team Recognition
All Conference End & Little All State: James Suggs
Honorable Mention: All Conference: Harold Peacock
All Conference Center-3rd Team Little All State: John Hundley
The Best
Most Valuable Back: John Russom
Most Valuable Lineman: James Suggs
Most Improved Back: Harold Peacock
Most Improved Line: John Hundley
Bonnilu Lair | Dottie Lair | Alternates |
Patsy Crosby | Dianne Hollon | Carol Hatton |
Willadene Todd | Tina Maxwell | Cheryl Pierce |
Dianne Graham |
Belle Glade game sponsors: Sue Brower, Vicki Alley,
Yvonne Thompson & Patsy Keene
Pahokee played Naples in the first game of the season.
Naples had an excellent ball team
but Pahokee managed to score a touchdown and extra point to beat a favored team.
This was a good start because the caliber of the squad had been
questioned. Pahokee fielded
a fairly green team and Coach Pell didn't expect to win a game, so he said. (He
says that every year.)
Riviera Beach was overwhelmed by a score of 14-0. Peacock did some snazzy
passing to "Snip"
Suggs and Jim Vandegrift. Pahokee overcame a tough Clewiston team by the
fancy running of
"Skipper" Peacock and the passing of Harold Peacock. John
Hundley and "Snip" Suggs were
outstanding on defense. One of the county's biggest teams, Forest Hill was
beaten by the fancy
single wing running of "Skipper" and Harold Peacock. Jim Suggs
was outstanding on the short
passes over the line. He never scored a touchdown in high school but made
many first downs to
keep Pahokee alive on vital drive.
Pahokee beat rough Ft Pierce by keying their running threat and tackling him
before he got to the
line of scrimmage. Pahokee was outstanding on defense and 2 drives were
enough to win.
Pahokee won the game but were cheated out of it by a miscall of the officials,
so thought the
townspeople. A touchback was ruled a safety and the scoreboard read Lake
Worth 15
Pahokee 13.
Pahokee didn't have much trouble beating Stuart by a score of 19-0. The
two Peacocks were
outstanding in the game. Pahokee took out their vengeance of the week
before against a
good Stuart team.
Okeechobee scored first and they thought that they were going
to pull the upset of the season.
During the second quarter Pahokee showed them different as the home team scored
touchdowns in about 6 minutes, to win.
Pahokee played tough Seacrest team at Lair Field. Pahokee played excellent
ball but breaks went
against the Devils. Besides Seacrest had a tough, mean team and won
9-0. "Snip" Suggs dropped
2 sure touchdowns passes during the 3rd quarter. Seacrest beat us up
physically because when
Pahokee played Belle Glade they were "snake bit". Pahokee had
not recovered from the
game 4 days ago and played a lackluster game. Pahokee had its opportunity during
the early
stages of the game but muffed them. Belle Glade was clearly the better tam
that night and
proved it. All the Pahokee fans could say at the end of the game was,
"Wait until next year".
Stanley Chevrolet, Inc MP Stanley, President Pahokee, Florida |
Team Members
Donald Tankersley | Douglas Potter | Gene Stacy |
Bruce Boynton | Dennis Martin | Mike Maxson |
Fred Clements | Alton Mims | Francis Boe |
John Mills | W.L. Thompson | Jim Vandegrift |
Charles Pell | Bobby Kennedy | Ronnie Tucker |
Bill Kennedy | Mike Watkins | Wayne Edmondson |
John Pell | Kirby Mole | Keith Padgett |
Wayne Peaden | Alberto Morrell | Tommy Collier |
Harold Peacock | Roger Simonson | Herman Clark |
Harry Cunningham | Bill Gist | Joe Davis |
Wayne Boynton | Curtis Stevens |
What was the longest punt by a Pahokee player?
In 1940 H.B. Baxter punted out of his end zone and a Plant City back was tackled
on his own 2 yard line. It was a 98 yard kick.
Pahokee 28 | Naples 0 | Pahokee 19 | Lake Worth 0 |
Pahokee 27 | Riviera Bch 12 | Pahokee 19 | Stuart 0 |
Pahokee 13 | Clewiston 7 | Pahokee 20 | Seacrest 12 |
Pahokee 9 | Forest Hill 0 | Pahokee 7 | Palm Beach 12 |
Pahokee 13 | Ft Pierce 20 | Pahokee 14 | Belle Glade 14 |
Pahokee total points: 169 Opponents total
points: 77
Won 7 Lost 2 Tied 1
Head Coach: Web Pell Backfield Coach: Bob Maxson
Line Coach: Martin Ralph Managers: Billy Boy & Roy
Most Valuable Back: Harold Peacock
Most Valuable Lineman: Ronnie Tucker
Most Improved Back: Kirby Mole
Most Improved Lineman: Ronnie Tucker
All Conference: Mike Watkins, Bill Kennedy, Harold Peacock & Donald
Dianne Hollon | Ann Peacock | Alternates |
Patsy Crosby | Tina Maxwell | Sharon Johnson |
Carol Hatton | Willadene Todd | Alice Joy Wilson |
Dottie Lair |
Belle Glade game sponsors: Gale Sears, Willadene Todd
& Peggy Turner
In 1962 Pahokee began to rise on the horizon in the football
world. They had an excellent
quarterback in Harold Peacock and some of the finest glue fingered pass
receivers in the state
including Alberto Morrell, Jim Vandegrift, Charles Pell and Fred Clements.
The season started out with a bang. Pahokee beat Naples 28-0. Next
Pahokee dazzled
Riviera with a passing attack to win 27-12. Pahokee had a hard time with
Clewiston but held
on to win 13-7. Pahokee pulled a surprise single wing attack to beat
strong Forest Hill 9-0 on
a safety and a touchdown. Peacock made some excellent runs off tackle to
Lake Worth had a good team but little Alberto Morrell slipped behind the defense
twice to catch passes for touchdowns. Pahokee didn't have much trouble
with Stuart beating
them 19-0. Seacrest played a hard fought game against Pahokee.
Seacrest out gained
Pahokee but couldn't out score the Blue Devils who won 20-12.
Compliments of Halsey Griffith Inc James Suggs All Conference End Little All State |
![]() |
Against Palm Beach the score of the game was 12 to 7 in favor
of Palm Beach. Alberto
Morrell returned a punt for 90 yards and a touchdown. It was a great
run. He was shaking tackles
all over the field. 7 Palm Beach players had a shot at Morrell but
couldn't down him. The
game against Belle Glade was a corker. Belle Glade had won 9 games that
season and had
only 2 touchdowns scored on them. Pahokee received the ball and in 9
formations marched
69 yards for a touchdown. Peacock carried 8 of the plays off tackle and
Cunningham ran once wide.
Belle Glade came to life in the 2nd half and scored 2 touchdowns and was leading
Pahokee, with Peacock passing to Alberto Morrell and making key runs, managed to
score with
about 3 minutes left in the game. On the crucial extra point, Peacock was
going to pass so they
dropped some men back to protect against the pass. Peacock received the
snap from center
and ran off tackle spilling Belle Glade players all over the place. He
fell over the goal line
to score the extra point. The game ended as it should with a 14-14 tie,
the 2 squads were evenly matched. Belle Glade won the Conference
and Pahokee came in 2nd.
Team Members
Dennis Tankersley | Harry Cunningham | Herman Clark |
Pat Murphy | David Rayburn | Jim Tyson |
Keith Aldridge | LeeRoy Tillis | Calvin Spooner |
Junior Rios | Joe Erby Thompson | Ted Butler |
Keith Padgett | Larry Miller | Bruce Boynton |
Charles Pell | Mike Sanders | Billy Kinsaul |
John Pell | Fred Clements | Buddy Culberson |
Billy Kennedy | Buddy Olson | Billy Sheffield |
Archie Jones | John Mills | Frank Mueller |
Jack Sherrod | Wayne Peacock | James Spires |
Walter Young | Roger Simonson | John Parker |
Harold Peacock | Bill Gist | Chris Davidson |
Kirby Mole | Tommy McElhenny | Frank Branch |
Dennis Milliron | Tommy Collier | Joe Davis |
What team penetrated inside Pahokee's 10 yard line 5 times, but was unable to
Lake Worth in 1957. Pahokee won 2-0 on a safety.
LOU'S RESTAURANT Southern Fried Chicken 24 hour service 2809 E Main Street ph 924-9482 Pahokee, Florida |
Pahokee 25 | Clewiston 6 | Pahokee 7 | Seacrest 12 |
Pahokee 13 | Vero Bch 20 | Pahokee 20 | Palm Beach 7 |
Pahokee 20 | Forest Hill 7 | Pahokee 14 | Lake Worth 13 |
Pahokee 27 | Riviera Bch 13 | Pahokee 6 | Belle Glade 7 |
Pahokee 32 | Stuart 7 |
Pahokee total points: 164 Opponents total
points: 92
Won 6 Lost 3
Head Coach: Web Pell Line Coach: Martin Ralph
Backfield Coach: Bob Maxson Manager: Billy Boe
& Roy Carraway
Tina Maxwell | Carol Mae Hatton | Alternates |
JoEllen Brown | Ann Peacock | Jo Young |
Dottie Lair | Patsy Crosby | Faye Elliott |
Dianne Hollon |
Belle Glade game sponsors: Dianne Hollon, Barbara
McKinstry, & Dottie Lair
The 1963 season could have been one of the greatest for the
Pahokee Blue Devils except
for a few unfortunate breaks. Pahokee's great runner and pass receiver
Alberto Morrell moved
to Clewiston. All Conference Bill Kennedy was sick for over a month and
could not play.
Keith Padgett, a fine young offensive end, broke his hand and missed 3 games.
Pahokee has a light team with the heaviest weighing 160 lbs. Therefore,
the coach
had to plan an evasive type of game. They could not match strength with
the opponents
but had to use speed and a pro type of offense to bewilder the other team.
The Blue Devils did not have the pass receivers to go deep so quarterback Harold
had to use the short pass. Peacock made excellent use of the slant pass,
the hook pass, and
the stop and go pass. His favorite receivers were Charles Pell, Fred
Clements, John Pell, Keith
Padgett and Jim Tyson.
Peacock would mix quick pitches, quarterback sneaks and inside runs with his
Keith Padgett was not fast but could catch anything thrown at him. Fred
Clements with more
speed usually went for the long pass. John Pell caught some timely passes
and brother John Pell
was good on catching the flanker pass.
Kirby Mole did a lot of fine running on quickie plays and up the middle.
Harry Cunningham
was a good runner to the outside. Larry Miller intercepted a pass against
Seacrest and scored
the only touchdown by Pahokee. Sophomore back Mike Sanders made a 47 yard
against Stuart for the longest run of the season. Walter Young kicked off
for Pahokee and
played outstanding ball for Pahokee on offense and defense. Joe Davis
became one of
the great punters in the Suncoast Conference and played a fine game at defensive
There were many other lesser stars on the team.
Now we come to our pride and joy, quarterback Harold Peacock. He made All
and was elected co-captain of the Little All State Team. Harold was a
great all around player,
both offense and defense.
Pahokee is a class "B" school playing against 5 class "AA"
schools, 3 class "A" school,
and one class "B" school. Here is Harold's record:
Rushed for 727 yards in 124 carries, a 5.9 yard average.
Passed 118 times and completed 62 for 559 yards minus a 53% accuracy figure,
and scored 76 points to lead the Suncoast Conference in scoring.
As a junior, Peacock carried the ball 92 times averaging 4.3 yards per carry,
357 yards. He passed for 429 yards while scoring 8 touchdowns.
As a sophomore, Peacock gained 248 yards in 73 tries, scored 8 touchdown and 50
and completed 40 of the 89 passes for 3 touchdowns.
Harold Peacock is a fine boy to coach and credit to the game. The best
game of the
season was against Belle Glade, who had won or tied 22 straight games.
Pahokee pushed Belle Glade around for 3 quarters only to lose 7-6 in
the final quarter. Charles Pell was selected on the All Suncoast 2nd Team
at end.
ALL STARS 1949-1963
RE Chat
Clark- best pass defender ever to be in the Suncoast Conference.
Excellent pass receiver on the long pass. Sure tackler on defense.
mistakes but recovered quickly.
RT Tom
Elliott- a big, powerful boy who could open up gaping holes on offense.
Outstanding tackler on defense. Used his hands well on defense to ward
off tacklers.
RG Donald
Thompson- he was the original monster man. He had that burning
desire to play football. Fine offensive and defensive player.
Center John Hundley- not a spectacular
player but steady. Always picking up loose
fumbles and making great downfield blocks. He could clear out the
LG Jimmy
Hoyle- he was a linebacker deluxe. He made tackles at the last moment
but he was sure and deadly.
LT Ronnie
Hitchcock- was quick as a cat on offense. He could cross the line of
scrimmage and rock you like you never been rocked before. A stone wall on
defense. A crashing type of a player who spent a lot of time in enemy territory.
LE Bobby
Peacock- not a fast end but could make those diving catches on passes
that would be impossible for other ends to make. Could make those high
one handed catches like the pros.
LH Hal
Rosenberg- his long runs were legendary in the Suncoast. Not many
defensive men could catch him and when they did they wished they hadn't.
He was a hard man to tackle and he had the 6th sense to know when to
cut in the secondary.
FB George Mills-
best blocking back ever to play the Suncoast. A good run-
ner up the middle on the fullback smash and counter play.
LH Buford
"Choo Choo" Justice - they don't make school boys like that any-
more. He was 6 foot 2 inches, 185 lbs and could run the 100 in 10
seconds flat. Great outside runner and when he got around the corner
school was out for the other team. He could break a tight ball game
QB Harold
Peacock- a great runner, best high school passer in the state.
Twice made All-Conference and was chosen Captain of the Little
All State Team. He is the type of player coaches dream about but
see once in a lifetime in a small school.
Listed below are others we feel should have been on the team,
but we had
to limit the team to 11.
Ronnie May | Snip Suggs |
Charles Dixson | Jerrel Hayes |
Alvy Early | Larry Elliott |
Alberto Morrell | Donald Waddell |
Max Beverly | Richard Shackford |
Richard Weeks | Ronnie Tucker |
Carney Wilder |
Who was the greatest Pahokee scorer during Coach Web Pell's
reign at Pahokee?
Hal Rosenberg scored 120 points.
Coaches Records
Coach Frank Hobson
(1931-1941) 11
Played 112 games
Won 70 Tied 12 Lost 30
Coach Jack Boise
(1943) 1 year
Won 3 Tied 2 Lost 4
Coach Frank Osteen
(1943-1944) 2 years
Won 10 Tied 1 Lost 7
Coach Clyde Alley
(1945-1949) 5 years
Won 24 Tied 4 Lost 17
Coach Joe Tolle
(1930) 1 year
Won 3 Lost 3