Above and below, 1935 construction of the Canal Point School House
Below in the early 1920s, the Florida Food Corporation's sugar mill at Azucar, later named Bryant.  Englishman F. Edward Bryant and his partners (including "Fingers" Conners--of Conners Highway fame) demonstrated that sugar cane could be commercially cultivated in the Glades.  Note the mill was located near the Palm Beach Canal which was used to bring sugar cane to the mill for processing.   The mill was shut down by the mid-1920s but US Sugar did reopen the mill in 1931 for about half a season when it was closed permanently. 
Above and below, 1953 north and south views of the old one lane bridge in Canal Point over the Palm Beach Canal
Nostalgia 56
Original Pahokee landing strip on the bottom of the dike, running along the lakeshore to the South.